Comenius visit in Belgium.

When the Comenius teachers went to Belgium, they didn't only teach the students something about their countries. They also learned some things about Belgium:

1. The recycling parc.
Finland and the UK don't have recycling parcs in their country. That's why we took a visit to the recycling parc of Bornem. The visitors were very surprised and impressed with our way of recycling.

2. Visiting the mayor.
We were all invited in the city hall to visit the mayor. He gave us a warm welcome and the teachers got a special book about Bornem. The mayor also got some typical gifts of the Finish and English teachers.
 It was very pleasant.

3. An educative 'naturewalk' in the parc of  'Kasteel d' Ursel'.
The childeren of the 2nd year took the Comenius teachers with them to make a nice an educative walk in the parc of Kasteel d' Ursel. They had the chance to see the belgian nature (especially the nature of Bornem), and they liked it.